Tuesday 7 April 2015

Taking The Moon~ #EnglishVersion2

These days, my friends and I (our group called Light Painters) were discussed about eclipse full moon and it was getting special because the eclipse became red color. It was phenomena that the light of sun be deflected by the atmosphere of the earth. Actually we focused about where we took and how we took the great pictures of the eclipse.

Before that day, one of us told how beautiful the moon was! I still at home and suddenly picked my camera up. Usually, I take photos of the moon with slow speed setting because I want to see the moon with other background or sweetness like trees, building, or rooftop. I used high of ISO, low exposure
and diafragma. But if I take the moon only, there are always too much lights from the moon (I always forget that the subject i take is source of the light --.--). So, they told me if I want to take the moon only, I had to set my camera with high speed setting like reverse of slow speed.

ISO 200; f/11; 1/100 sec
ISO3200; f/5; 1/5 sec
ISO 3200; f/8; 1/10 sec
Unfortunately, the day that the moon was getting red, was cloudy and became heavy rain. So, we canceled our plan and just enjoyed that nite at Puncak Cafe.

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